
Why register as an individual?

  • When you want to post a FREE ad (*)
  • If you want to SAVE your search CRITERIA
  • Option to PARK popular ads
  • Option to PARK search criteria
Free advertisement publication is available for users with successful SMS validation of the contact phone number.

To avoid illegal work, the number of free advertisements is limited to a maximum of 2 free advertisements published at the same time, and a total of a maximum of 10 different advertisements per month.
Basic data (*)
Basic data (name and surname, street) serve only to comply with the provisions of Article 6 of the ZPDZC, and WILL NOT be published with the advertisement.
Contact information for publication with the ad
Enter the desired password (minimum 5 characters)
The essential advantage of individual registration is the possibility of publishing an ad. In order to avoid violations of the Act on the Prevention of Illegal Work and Employment (ZPDZC), it is necessary to enter information about the client of the ad when registering. These data serve only to comply with the provisions of Article 6 of the ZPDZC, and WILL NOT be published with the advertisement.

Maybe you are not an individual and want to register as a legal entity or trader ?